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Each session through a multitude of methods has one purpose: to mentor the child. As the transformation begins to unfold, the children and families start to come, not always for what they can get but sometimes for what they can give. As the children work diligently caring for these struggling horses to help them heal, the children start to heal. There is something very spiritual about the bond that grows between the child and the horse; an unspoken language of complete acceptance. 


It is within the selfless and beautiful relationships between broken children and broken horses that one can witness miracles. These extraordinary horses, each of which has their journey of hope and triumph, are paired with one mentor and one child during a session. The horses have a unique past that gives them the ability to reach out to children in surprising ways. We have found through research and personal experience that involving a horse in this time, especially a horse with a history of abuse or neglect, makes a prosperous time and allows the youth to feel more comfortable expressing their feelings. We immediately see kids relate to the horse who has experienced something similar to their own story of abuse, neglect, hunger, or even just not fitting in. Because we work with one child, one mentor, and one horse, each child gets a single and focused time that is suited to facilitate their unique situation. Connecting one child with one horse and one mentor helps the child developmentally through problem-solving, physically through ranch chores and exercise outdoors, spiritually through conversations about God and faith, socially through a relationship with a trusted mentor, and emotionally through empathy and a connection with a horse. 


All participants learn the basics of caring for horses and helping with ranch work. If the youth is not in the mood that day to spend time with a horse, a variety of other opportunities will be available. Some of these include visiting with other farm animals, gardening, fishing, playing board games or yard games doing arts and crafts or just walking the property or sitting in nature and merely talking. We aim to match the activity to the mood and interests of the youth that day. 


The sessions usually last 90 minutes and are flexible, allowing that time to serve the unique needs of the children best. Most sessions begin with a chore that is typically 10-15 minutes where a leader and child work together mucking paddocks, pulling weeds, or working on various ranch projects.


Each child is nurtured by a leader who shares his or her tears and triumphs. Involvement in these simple tasks builds value into the heart of a child. Often children and teens who visit New Hope Youth Ranch face unique physical, mental, emotional, or social challenges. Children have the opportunity to learn the values of life, family, work ethic, faith and to experience the healing bond of trust, confidence, and accomplishment in a unique environment most would not otherwise have the opportunity to experience. The child may then develop a sense of pride and accomplishment. 


They, in turn, teach us true resilience and remarkable wonder of life.The children learn that they can do something to improve the life of another living being. This fills an elementary need in every child's heart. That is...the need to be needed. Often having this feeling of value is an integral part of a child's healing. 


Some use volunteering as healing. Many children benefit greatly from the equine session program, but are looking for more opportunities to be involved. The many volunteer children who routinely assist at the ranch are a wonderful asset! Having aged out of the foster care system, they yearn for purpose and place. Allowing them to volunteer outside of the session time provides them a place to be challenged and become a closer part of the ranch family. Children who choose to be more involved with labor work hand in hand with their adult counterparts, learning from their elders, witnessing the value of a hard day's work and exercising their bodies at the same time.


Others come for the opportunity to volunteer to work with hurting children or rescued horses. All ages find their special place at the ranch; whether it is caring for horses, working with children, taking a walk on the property, or the opportunity to bask in a peaceful environment while sitting under the shade of a tree.

All of this wonder, healing and hope is provided free of charge.

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